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28/02/2015    Decision taken to form the Scottish Congregational Fellowship as a new Area within the Congregational Federation.

                         Future committed prayerfully to God's direction and glory.

                         Steering Group (of 5) appointed (including interim secretary and treasurer) for 6 month period.

                         Decision made to open a bank account.

01/03/2015     First churches vote to join the new Fellowship.

02/03/2015     Website launched.

                          Call to prayer (at 8.30pm or other convenient time) for launch of the new venture across our churches.

                          First draft of constitution issued.

                          Congregational Federation notified of our new Area grouping.

08/03/2015     Five more churches hold congregational meetings and vote to join the new Fellowship.

09/03/2015     Call to prayer (at 8.00am or other convenient time) for our work and witness.

30/04/2015     Steering Group meeting.

09/05/2015     Congregational Federation National Assembly Peterborough.

30/05/2015     Scottish Congregational Fellowship meeting (Perth).

12/09/2015     Scottish Congregational Fellowship gathering (Esk).

30/10/2015     Scottish Congregational Fellowship meeting with President and Chair of Council (Perth).

21/11/2015     Scottish Congregational Fellowship presentation to National Council (Nottingham).

20/02/2016     Scottish Congregational Fellowship meeting (Perth).

04/06/2016     Scottish Congregational Fellowship gathering (Danestone/Balmedie, Aberdeen).   Visit by Rev Dr Paul Davis, President                              of the Congregational Federation.

07/11/2016     Scottish Congregational Fellowship ministers' training day (Perth).

25/02/2017     Scottish Congregational Fellowship meeting (Perth).

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